MakeWar (US) + Bass Sick Shit
MakeWar (Brooklyn, USA) first burst through the Southern Border Wall and onto the national stage from such shithole countries as Venezuela (Jose Prieto: Guitar, Vocals), Colombia (Edwin Santacruz: Bass, Vocals) and Florida (Greg Taylor: Drums) in 2016 with their release of Developing a Theory of Integrity, a ripping skatepunk/Brooklyn Emo Night hybrid.
In 2019, MakeWar released Get it Together on Fat Wreck Chords, a uniquely fresh eyed and youthful rallying cry, somehow made by seasoned punks, tempered with anger, heartache, a dash of Latinx hardcore rage and a virtuosity that belies their relatively short tenure as a band. A multi-lingual, multi-genre, multigrain slab of fury, beers and tears. Two of the most blistering tracks on Get it Together are helmed by second vocalist and bassist, Edwin, they're entirely in Spanish and they are hardcore. After the release, Greg became a doctor and now Alejandro is hitting the drums, MakeWar is re-Voltron'd, charging harder than ever.
MakeWar is about a fight.
It's a fight against ignorance and hate.
A fight to do what you want instead of what you're supposed to.
A fight to stay up when everything is pulling you down.
It's fighting for the dreamers and drinking to the screamers.
Fighting off what's holding you back.
That's why MakeWar sounds like letting go.
So let's fucking go!
MakeWar is Jose, Edwin and Alejandro.
Welcome to our fight.
MakeWar es una lucha.
Una lucha en contra de la ignorancia y el odio.
Una lucha para hacer lo que quieres en lugar de lo que se supone que debes hacer.
Una lucha para mantenerse de pie cuando todo te está derribando.
Es luchar por tus sueños y brindar por tus logros.
Es una pelea constante en contra de todo lo que te detiene.
Por eso MakeWar suena a libertad.
La libertad de poder ser quien quieras ser.
MakeWar es Jose, Edwin y Alejandro.
Bienvenidos a nuestra lucha.
Bass Sick Shit (Berlin/Schweinfurt): Kranke Bass Scheiße trifft es ziemlich genau. Wer Bass und Schlagzeug jemals unterschätzt hat, hat dieses Duo noch nicht gesehen. Slapping, Strumming und Drumming, dazu das Beste aus den 80ern, als der Punk noch echt war und der Funk weniger weichgespült. Diese zwei Frauen bringen eine Power auf die Bühne, die ihresgleichen sucht. Wenn ihr Bock auf positive Energie habt- lasst euch mitreißen and bang your heads!