Roughneck Riot (UK) + Egotherapie

Folk-Punch punking directly in your face by Roughneck Riot and strange crustyesk Folk-Punk by Egotherapie. Lit!

Gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur Medien (BKM) und der Initiative Musik
Förderprogramm LIVE500

Roughneck Riot (Punk/Folk | Warrington, UK)
Roughneck Riot have been hammering the roads in UK and mainland Europe since their inception, earning a reputation as a hard-working and well travelled live tour de force. Staunchly anti-fascist and antidickhead, the motive of internationalist solidarity is needed more than ever.

After a spell of recording and recuperating, and a further enforced spell of quarantine, Roughneck Riot are restless and snapping at the ankles. Older and more prone to tiredness, but spurred on by constant irritation. Roughneck Riot are more than ready for a new release and chomping at the bit to travel, sweat and shout to a post-brexit apocalypse.


Egotherapie (Crust maybe? | Nürnberg)
Twisted lyrics accompanied by equally twisted voices, an acoustic guitar and a washboard. Combines all the enjoyable elements of folk and crust. A set to remember.


  • 4. Juni 2024
VVK: 12 € zzgl. Gebühren | AK: 15 €
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